Sunday, August 2, 2009

XBOX, XBOX 360 & PC Games

XBOX @7.500/Judul
- Batman Begins
- Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
- Doom 3
- Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
- Fantastic 4
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
- Jade Empire
- Medal of Honor: European Assault
- Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

PC DVD GAMES @ 15.000/Judul
- Call of Duty 2
- Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
- Hitman: Bloody Money
- Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
- Splinter Cell: Double Agent
- Shadow Ops: Red Mercury

XBOX 360 @12.500/Judul
- Assassin's Creed
- Asterix: At The Olympics
- Battlefield: Bad Company
- Bioshock
- Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII
- Call of Duty 3
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
- Call of Duty: World At War
- Clive Barker's Jericho
- Conan
- Condemned: Criminal Origins
- Condemned 2: Bloodshot
- Dead Space
- F.E.A.R
- Fallout 3
- Farcry Instincts Predator
- Farcry 2
- Gears of War 2
- Ghost Recon 2: Advanced Warfighter
- Grand Theft Auto IV
- Half Life 2: The Orange Box
- Hitman: Blood Money
- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
- Kungfu Panda: The Game
- Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
- Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End
- Prince of Persia 2009
- Project Gotham Racing 3
- Rainbow Six Vegas
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2
- Saints Row
- Sega Rally Revo
- Silent Hill: Homecoming
- Splinter Cell: Double Agent
- Stuntman Ignition
- The Bourne Conspiracy
- The Godfather
- The Godfather 2
- The Incredible Hulk
- Tomb Raider: Anniversary
- Tomb Raider: Legend
- Tomb Raider: Underworld
- Turning Point: Fall of Liberty

Contact Number:
0817 489 8787

Catatan Penting:
  • Barang adalah Kopian Pabrik (KOPAB)
  • Bekas tapi mulus (single user). Selesai dimainkan, langsung disimpan
  • Beli 10 keping, GRATIS 1 Judul (dalam grup yang sama)
  • Beli 5 Keping atau lebih, GRATIS pengiriman dalam wilayah Jabotabek (PT.POS INDONESIA: 3 hari sampai)
  • Jika OK harga, berikan list game dan alamat pengiriman (via SMS), transfer ke Rekening BCA, MANDIRI or PERMATA (terlampir dalam sms balasan) ATAU
  • Barang dapat diambil di apartment mediterania garden - tanjung duren (s/d Jumat siang 17-07-09)
  • Jika penawaran anda TIDAK MENDAPAT TANGGAPAN (baik via forum maupun sms) berarti belum Jodoh!
  • Ingin mendapat TANGGAPAN YANG CEPAT? Telpon atau sms

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